Sunday, 24 April 2016

Vocabulary blog - Technology

Hi there!

Our lives nowadays are more centred around technology, so you can’t avoid using the following words. Brush up your knowledge now!


• attachment (n.)
- a document sent to somebody together with an email (e.g. Please see the information in the attachment.)
• disconnect (v.)
- to officially cut a connection, etc. (e.g. His line was disconnected as he didn’t pay the phone bill.)
• ex-directory (adj.)
- not listed in the public telephone book (e.g. I don’t know how to contact him as he is ex-directory.)
• handset (n.)
- a mobile/cell phone (e.g. A handset becomes important for daily life as it facilitates communication.)
• intercom (n.)
- a system of communication inside an office (e.g. Staff actually communicate over the intercom.)
• interface (n.)
- the layout of the screen and the menus of a computer (e.g. We should simplify the interface of our website.)
• landline (n.)
- a telephone connection through wires carried on poles or under the ground (e.g. In certain areas, communication still relies on landlines rather than mobile networks.)
• netizen 
- a person who uses the Internet a lot (e.g. Nick became a real netizen as his job requires him to spend three-fourth of his time on the Internet.)
• toggle (v.)
- to press keys on a computer keyboard  to change between features (e.g. He toggled between two programs while working.)
• wireless (adj.)
- without wires (e.g. Wireless mice are commonly used these days.)

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